"Mercy came running
Like a prisoner set free
Past all my failures
To the point of my need
When all I had carried
Was all I could see...
And when I could not reach mercy
Mercy came running to me"
And that is what this is all about. It's about Grace and Mercy. It's about receiving what is not deserved and not receiving what ultimately is deserved.
It's about a broken life. It's about fractured trust and the fear of failure. It's about grasping for perfection thinking it will satisfy. It's about self preservation and being ashamed the truth isn't worth the pain. It's about being too much and, simultaneously, not enough. It's his story…but it's been mine too.
So I tell him this:
- A shattered past can also mean a beautiful mosaic of a future.
- Fractured trust means there is space where real love can insert itself to produce healing.
- Fear is a lie.
- The pursuit of perfection is the killer of dreams.
- Your preservation is the resiliency of your incredible spirit.
- The truth is always worth the pain but shame is a destroyer of the soul.
- You are never too much and you are ALWAYS enough.
And above all….without grace and mercy, I was nothing but a prisoner…now set free.
I am convinced that once you experience grace and mercy you hunger and thirst for it…
May you run hard after it and rejoice in it's beauty and redemption.